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Vivarium > Deutschland 1933-1945


Jahr: 1945
ArtikelNr. 3268



Aufzeichnungsbuch eines US-Soldaten von OMGUS, 1945. 8°, Leinwandeinband vorne mit Prägung einer deutschen schwarz-weiß-rot-Fahne, ca. 80 unbedruckte Seiten. Zustand: Berieben, Einband fleckig, sonst gut. Auf Deckel vorne innen mit Aufkleber „Christian Reichel, Papierhandlung, Hof i.Bay., [handschr.] 14. Juli 1917“. Vorsatz und beide Einbanddeckel mit Stempel des US-Soldaten.
In dem um 1917 hergestellten Buch hat der US-Offizier E.F. Timke von OMGUS den Ablauf einer 2tägigen abenteuerlichen Reise, vom 28. zum 29. Dezember 1945, stichpunktartig eingetragen. An diesen Tagen fuhr er von Hof über Coburg, Wetzlar, Würzburg nach Frankfurt am Main. Dabei musste Timke mehrmals verdächtige Deutsche in verdächtigen Fahrzeugen anhalten und überprüfen, einmal gar mit der Schußwaffe. Warum der US-Amerikaner die Reise unternahm, bleibt unklar.
Das Buch scheint Timke vom Besitzer eines Autos erhalten zu haben, als er jenes in Hof (Bayern) auslieh. Timke schrieb von hinten her ins Buch. Vorne finden sich auf dem 2. Blatt eine sehr schöne farbige Handzeichnung eines Zwerges nebst Flöte auf Birke (datiert 1918) und auf dem 3. Blatt die farbige Handzeichnung eines Blumenstrausses (neben dem Blumenstrauss einige Flecken, darüber schrieb Timke „That’s not my fault!“). Auf der folgenden Seite noch ein handschriftlicher bibliographischer Hinweis (für das „Taschenbuch für Chemiker und Physiker“), 2 Blatt weiter eine Bleistiftskizze. Die nächsten ca. 80 Seiten sind leer (bis auf eine eingelegte Blume), bis denn hinten die 10seitigen Aufzeichnungen Timkes beginnen.
Die Namensstempel des Amerikaners lauten: „Lt.Comdr. [Lieutenant Commander] E.F. Timke, U.S.N.R. / O.M.G.U.S. Ind.Div. – M.C.C. / APO 742, o S.Army / c/o Pm. New York, N.Y. / Serial 137405“. [USNR bedeutet „United States Naval Reserve“. OMGUS meint „Office of Military Government of the United States“ (für Deutschland)]

Der Text sei hier komplett wiedergegeben:
S. 1: „If found, return to Lt.Comdr. E.F. Timke USNR attached to US Army to the Office of Military Government US Ministerial Collecting Center – ap o 142, Fürstenhagen Germany – near Kassel – Industry, Trade & Commerce Division“.
S.2: „Car belongs to Herr Hans Stöhr, Opel Kadett (Cadet), Brown Sedan Chrome I... no bumper in front, rear loose ... values, License # 1595, issued in Hof, Bavaria, June 1945 by Military Govt. Capt. Pulham now @ Ansbach Bavaria“.
S. 3: „Loq 8. Inf. # 466, made by Lt.Comdr. E.F. Timke in Opel Cadet – rented from Herr Hans Stöhr of Hof Bavaria, Wörth Str # 7, 3rd Floor. Inp. Made to Frankfurt A/M to NAVY DEPT due to inability to get answer from three despatches sent to US Army and after wait of“
S. 4: „more than 1 month . Also two annual letters sent to MCC but no answer – also to get some money to pay back monay loaned from GI’s + get Px rations which have not been drawn three weeks – also to get gun back from MP, Frankfurt Prov. Marshal Office“.
S. 5 [hier ist jeweils der Kilometerstand mit angegeben]: „Friday 28. Dec. 1946, Dep. Bad Steben – Enroute Naila 11.30 Mileage 567340, Naila arr. 11.45, dep. 11.50 [Mileage ..], Hof Bavaria arr. 12.30 [...], Enroute Bayreuth. Autobahn Hof 13.30 [..], bucking strong wind, Bayreuth arr. 14.15 [...], dept. 16.00 [..], 1h spent with GM 102nd, Lt. Col. Douglas, also PX, also finding above. Motor hot, water, oil.“.
S. 6: „Friday, 28. Dez.“.
S. 7: „Motor completely out of water, put in above and ½ Ltr. Oil opposite [...] the general Hospital by DP houses, Gas ¾ full at 16.30 [mileage ...], Retrace 4km to Kulmbach [...] to find unmarked road to Lichtenfels and Bamberg 17.05, Mainlens [?] 17.45 [..], Hochstadt 18.00 [..], almost hit by Ger Max Strese [?] of Wetzlar, 4 Theatre Pl., heron business? Also“
S.8: „had half sister ... Stumpe [?] of Bamberg & said he came from there, almost ran me down, needed gun to stop him - Forced him to show me MG hdqtrs. Capt. Norton“.
S.9: „56920 28. Dec. – change direction to Coburg @ 1915 instead Würzburg + Jent [?] City, due to sudden miniature tornado which hit as we came to Lichtenfels almost was killed + not only got thus man who owns wine restaurant in Bamberg + says he was on way to Coburg from them (actually via Lichtenfels) + is probabbly [sic] lying – wonder how come he has enough gas to riding with a gal 18 years old in a new car from“
S. 10: „Wetzlar? Will look him up + see as far to car request ... card + see where he is from? Sounds like an Austrian or Berliner to me – speaks perf. English + wonder what his real name + who his supposed half sister really is. Made this man stop after a chase paarallel to train running out Coburg + only was able to stop him after forcing him with car to side
S. 11: „of road + due to train tracks ... near road – flashlight failed but waving gun 45 stopped him cold, his English is spoken very well - + to church am found to ride in a Opel Kadette which is spoon [?] shape crocked glas holds no water has no lights, or bumpers – no brakes. Arrived + finally found MG BOQ ... + ... search“
S. 12: „28.Dec. tried to get into CIC but failed – even had to wake two police dogs up + very hell – 2 jeeps in front seem to deaf ...[unles.] - ... not been used for some time. Met Major Klein New York, of Customs, Capt. Baum, Capt. Pfelz, .... who ... my coffee gave me chechest room due had .. Eto + had a“
S. 13: „Chanuto ... take bath + ... all lights are out, went to bed @ 10.30, feel weak + coughing, hope good night + sleep in warm clean bed ...“
S. 14: „29 dec. Saturday. MG BOQ ate brakfest, lights go on @ 741, packing to go to MG Blog [?] – must ... on transportation + gas from here on in Coburg Baravia Departed“.
S. 15 [dieser Tag mit Tinte, nicht wie sonst Bleistift geschrieben, scheints auch von anderer Hand]: „Sat. 29. Dec 45. Coburg started, full tank 10 Ltr. Gas, 1 ltr. Oil, waterpumper lidting [?] much wake [?]. Miealge 11.15, 56926. Pumper fell off two times @ 11.15 56929, Fead tome at Breitengußbach 12.30 [mileage ...], Ammunition Dimolition Dept, no time, S. Capt. Cragin, Start 13.50, Bamberg arr. 14.00, start 14.45, Captain Wheller, Mil.Gov.Heinstr. 14.“
S. 16: „Sat. 29. Dec. 45. 5.15, 6.15 Schweinfurt, 8.20 57093, 9.00 out if Würzburg, 10.15 whether constant, still bad, no speeding court marcial signs towards Aschaffenburg, unable to get“
S. 17: „Sat.29.Dec.45. gas at Würzburg, followed strange green car with ICD „yard bird“ who was driving 2 Germans and quite anxious turned immediately and led us out to baily bridge and to outskirts of town, near Aschaffenburg 57147, out of gas, put ¼ Kann in, Indian driver pushed us. Aschaffenburg ARG 11.00 Mil. 57176 11.30 depart“.
S. 18: „Sat. 29-12-45“. Kalm, after it near a german truck got lost (straight ahead was wrongturn to the left), took a circle and came back to Kalm, started again. Keep always to the left! Motor only started by a push. 25km to Frankfurt. 1.30 Mil. 57249 Fichtenheim, Tank ½ fule already Kr., Frankfurt.“
S. 19: „Frankfurt City 1.45, mil. 57257“.

(c) Ingo Hugger  2020 |